VS Code Extensions To Hack Smart Contracts


VS Code Extensions To Hack Smart Contracts
VS Code Extensions To Hack Smart Contracts

Creating high-quality software applications can be a challenging endeavour, as it involves coordinating various components to build a functional solution. This is precisely why developers require every possible advantage and ease when it comes to ensuring the security of their applications.

Visual Studio Code, commonly known as VS Code, stands out as a highly favoured open-source code editor for several compelling reasons. It offers compatibility with the top three operating systems – Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing for seamless configuration to suit our individual preferences. Furthermore, it provides the invaluable ability to augment its functionalities through the installation of extensions.

A wide array of extensions is available for VS Code, spanning from straightforward user interface (UI) enhancements to sophisticated vulnerability detection tools.

1. Inline Bookmarks

The Inline Bookmarks extension assists in bookmarking code snippets directly. It serves as a valuable tool for organizing development notes, managing to-do lists, facilitating document reviews, and supporting log analysis and audits. As your bookmarks are stored alongside your documents, sharing your annotations and bookmarks with others becomes effortless.

2. Solidity Visual Developer

For any Smart Contract auditor, this extension is a must-have. It boasts an array of impressive features, including security-focused syntax and semantic highlighting, a comprehensive class outline, specialized views, advanced Solidity code insights, and seamless integration with Visual Studio Code.

3. EthOver

On occasion, we find ourselves hardcoding smart contract addresses into our projects for integration. The EthOver extension provides a quick and efficient way to instantly access the details of these hardcoded addresses within smart contracts. This not only saves valuable time but also eliminates the need for repetitive copying and pasting of addresses on Etherscan.

4. Slither vscode

Enhance your development experience with Slither for Visual Studio Code, an extension that seamlessly integrates with the Solidity static analysis framework, Slither, written in Python 3. By leveraging this powerful tool, users can effortlessly scan their Solidity smart contracts for vulnerabilities, identify potential code risks, and receive valuable suggestions for remediation.

5. GraphViz Interactive Preview

Introducing GraphViz Interactive Preview, a valuable VSCode extension offering essential features such as syntax highlighting, code snippets, and an interactive live preview for graphs in GraphViz/dot format. With the ability to zoom, pan, and search within the preview, this extension greatly enhances your productivity, making it particularly beneficial for auditing large-scale projects. Unlock the power of mindmaps to gain a comprehensive grasp of your project's flow and structure.

6. Mythx VSC

MythX stands as a comprehensive suite of analysis techniques, designed to autonomously identify security vulnerabilities within Ethereum smart contracts. Elevating your experience, MythX VSC is an extension that seamlessly integrates with Visual Studio Code, enabling the execution of MythX's smart contract analysis.

7. 1Password

Storing passwords and secrets in plain text within your code poses a significant security risk, as it can easily jeopardize sensitive information. The recommended best practice is to securely store these values in an external vault and access them using variables.

However, when you're coding, constantly switching between your code editor and a password vault can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. That's where 1Password for VS Code comes to the rescue. This extension is specifically designed to streamline this challenge, granting you direct access to your vault right within the VS Code editor.

8. Decompile 

Decompilers serve the purpose of reversing compiled code back into its source code, enabling developers to examine it closely. This process is a valuable asset in the realm of cybersecurity, allowing experts to assess software security and even decipher the behavior of malicious software. The choice of software for this task can often be customized or vary depending on the type of executable.

The Decompiler extension for VS Code is a powerful tool that integrates decompilation capabilities directly into your coding environment. With this extension, you can effortlessly decompile binary executables such as Windows PE, Linux ELF, iOS, JAR files, and Android APKs from within VS Code. Simply right-click on the file and select "Decompile" to unlock this functionality.

9. Cloak

For developers handling applications with environment configuration files that house sensitive secrets and passwords, the need for keeping these vital data concealed is paramount. However, this can become quite challenging in collaborative settings or external locations like cafes, where prying eyes may have a glimpse of your screen. Continuously resorting to vigilance or avoiding file access altogether to protect these values can be a burdensome and counterproductive endeavor.

To address this challenge, we can turn to the VS Code extension known as Cloak. The cloak is specifically crafted to conceal sensitive values from appearing on the screen while working with an open environment configuration file.


These Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions provide essential tools and features to enhance the security and productivity of developers. These extensions offer a range of capabilities, from bookmarking code snippets and Solidity development support to vulnerability detection and secure password management. Developers can benefit from these extensions to streamline their workflow and ensure the security of their applications.
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