Web Developers Should Have These 11 Chrome Extensions


Web Developers Should Have These 11 Chrome Extensions
Web Developers Should Have These 11 Chrome Extensions

When it comes to web development, Google Chrome stands out as the preferred browser for the majority of developers. And it's no surprise, considering its exceptional ability to enhance coding productivity. In just a decade, Chrome has established itself as a leader, surpassing other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Opera. One of the primary factors contributing to its popularity is Chrome's integrated developer tools and its extensive collection of extensions, simplifying and expediting the tasks of developers.

Developers have a plethora of extensions at their disposal to enhance their productivity. The choice of extension depends on the specific task at hand, allowing developers to customize their browser experience. While individual preferences may vary, there are some common extensions that prove beneficial for a wide range of web developers.

Top Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Web development provides a plethora of tools and functionalities designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. Developers have created Chrome extensions for web development that cover various aspects, including design improvement and project management. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro in web development, these top Chrome extensions are guaranteed to optimize your work processes.

1. Web Developer

This extension boasts immense popularity, boasting over 1 million users. It greatly simplifies web development and debugging, catering to the needs of both designers and developers. The tool features a convenient button that provides access to various categories or tabs, such as Disable, Cookies, CSS, Forms, Images, Information, Miscellaneous, Outline, Resize, and Tools. Each category houses a range of options that empower you to perform a multitude of tasks. You can disable JavaScript, plugins, notifications, images, and cookies, or fine-tune your CSS. Additionally, you can identify broken images, conceal images, and explore a host of other functionalities related to forms, information, and more. By adding this extension to your browser, you can harness the full potential of these invaluable tools.

2. Awesome Autocomplete for GitHub

Many developers rely on their GitHub accounts, and this extension proves to be an invaluable asset for them. By incorporating this extension into your workflow, you gain the ability to explore a multitude of options when utilizing the GitHub search box. This extension seamlessly auto-completes the GitHub search box, providing you with a wealth of suggestions that greatly enhance your repository search results. You can even identify active users among these options. For instance, if you're searching for "React," you'll discover a plethora of React repositories and active users at your fingertips. Removing this extension would leave you without these autocomplete capabilities, limiting your search efficiency.

3. Postman

Postman isn't merely an extension; it's a versatile application designed to facilitate the execution of HTTP requests to servers. Whether you're involved in crafting RESTful APIs or interacting with existing ones, Postman empowers you to initiate a wide array of requests, including GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, and more. For developers, Postman proves to be an indispensable tool for API testing. You can effortlessly choose the desired request type, input the endpoint or URL of your choice, and seamlessly send the request.

4. Marmoset

While primarily not a development tool, this application can prove to be quite handy for developers when the need arises to include code snapshots in their projects or for illustrative purposes. With this app, you can seamlessly transform your code into stunning images, creating aesthetically pleasing code snapshots. Moreover, you'll find options to customize effects, languages, and themes to suit your preferences. So, if you're looking to craft visually appealing code snapshots for your project or website, consider adding this app to your browser.

5. Window Resizer

Developing a responsive application is a pivotal aspect of the development process, and this exceptional extension is tailor-made for the construction and testing of responsive applications. It simplifies the process by offering predefined screen sizes that enable you to effortlessly adjust your browser window, allowing you to evaluate your website's appearance on various devices. You can preview your site on mobiles, iPads, desktops, iPhones, and other devices. Furthermore, the option to include custom device sizes allows you to verify the effectiveness of your media queries across a spectrum of device dimensions.

6. Lorem Ipsum Generator

During the process of building an application or website, there's often a need for placeholder content to visualize the project's appearance. For instance, when working on a blog post for an application, it's crucial to test the project by inserting dummy content. In such scenarios, Lorem Ipsum serves as an ideal placeholder text for testing purposes. This extension seamlessly generates sample text, allowing you to adjust the number of paragraphs and sentences to suit your specific requirements.

7. Momentum

This extension isn't related to development or programming; instead, it's a productivity tool designed to supercharge your day with energy and efficiency. Once integrated into your browser, every new tab you open reveals a fresh, high-quality image along with the current time and weather information. Additionally, you have the convenience of adding your to-do list in the bottom right corner. It's a valuable extension not only for developers but for anyone seeking to make their day more productive.

8. Clear Cache

Easily refresh your browser by a simple click.

With this handy extension, you can swiftly clear your browser's cache without being bothered by any confirmation pop-ups or other bothersome interruptions.

On the options page, you have the flexibility to tailor your data-clearing preferences, allowing you to choose what to remove and to what extent. You can clear various data types, including App Cache, Cache, Cookies, Downloads, File Systems, Form Data, History, Indexed DB, Local Storage, Plugin Data, Passwords, and WebSQL.

Furthermore, you have the option to manage cookies either on a global scale, for specific domains, or excluding specific domains from the clearance process.

9. Awesome Screenshot and Screen Recorder

Tools that boast about their awesomeness often fall short of the hype. However, this screen recorder is the exception. Widely employed for crafting video tutorials or showcasing product demos, the Awesome Screenshot and Screen Recorder truly lives up to its name.

Web developers favor this Chrome plugin for its capability to capture errors in real time, documenting the steps leading up to and following the occurrence of an error. 

Simply activate the plugin, recreate the error scenario, and attach the MP4 file generated by the screen recorder to your JIRA ticket. This enables your developers to swiftly address and resolve the issue.

10. Test IE extension for web developers

Numerous web applications still require testing on older versions of Internet Explorer. However, in recent iterations of Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer has been phased out in favor of Microsoft Edge, rendering direct IE testing unfeasible.

Enter the Test IE Chrome developer plugin, which empowers testers to mimic IE versions 6-11 and even replicate Edge environments – all conveniently within the Chrome browser.

11. EditThisCookie

When application data that isn't saved in local storage needs a place to reside, it finds its home in a browser cookie.

For testing a range of state changes without the need for repetitive login and logout procedures, developers can effortlessly modify data within the browser cookie using the EditThisCookie tool.

If your applications rely on browser-based state management, EditThisCookie proves to be an invaluable Chrome extension.


As a web developer, your choice of Chrome extensions can significantly impact your productivity and the quality of your work. These eleven Chrome extensions cover a broad spectrum of needs, from debugging and responsive design testing to code generation and productivity enhancement. 

Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, having these extensions at your disposal will help streamline your web development processes, save time, and ultimately lead to better results. Don't hesitate to explore and add these extensions to your Chrome browser to supercharge your web development workflow.
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